Friday 9 May 2014

Final Level Renders

After completing all my modelling and texturing of individual assets, adding lights and animation. I finished my level and wanted to post the final outcome with some screen shots of the level complete, hope you like.

Character Worksheet

With this project I also produce a character worksheet, which shows the development of how I started and finished the design of Hades.

Final Character

With this image I combined all of what I had produced including my thumbnails, colour tryouts and background drawings, which helped me design and create my final character. With this character I wanted to capture the same design of my other sketches, but have the look and feel that my character was based around.

As I have said in older posts, this character is evolved around the Greek god Hades. I chosen to have him in an alternate universe, as a sci-fi bounty-hunter on the run from his two brothers Zues and Poseidon who are pursuing him to his death. With this in mind I started to think of how a sci-fi bounty-hunter would look like, having my research and my sketches for inspirational. With this I captured Hades in a different look and design.

The image of my final character it shows Hades on a wanted poster, I chose a wanted poster as it was a key part of his background with the law and fits how I portrayed Hades to look finally look with this alternate universe.

Character Update

After producing some thumbnails sketches, I started to think about colours and and began to colour some thumbnails that I liked the most. Some where just tryouts to see what colours worked well together and others where practice examples, as I used a tablet to colour them .

Looking at my colour templates I went ahead further by adding more detail, lights, shadows and including a background that would fit the character.